Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Stones, The Trees, The Dust Here Speaks Arabic

Roadblock Opened in Dhahariya, Palestine Nonviolent Protest
Palestine Solidarity Project activists with other Israeli and international activists joined over 100 Palestinians from the village of Dhahariya to open a roadblock that prevents nearly 90,000 people in the region driving to Hebron and the rest of Palestine.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Muslim Student Union's "Israel: Apartheid Resurrected" wall at the U C, Irvine, 2007 May 14-17

Muslim Student Union's "Israel: Apartheid Resurrected" wall at the University of California, Irvine, 2007 May 14-17

Lebanon Locations Bombed By Jewish Agressors

Solidaridad con HAMAS

Cientos de palestinos, en el entierro de los militares en Gaza

Evidentemente esa es una apreciación alocada y falsa y como he dicho desesperada, los palestinos por poco que se les escuche van a ser capaces de llegar a acuerdos entre ellos y las fuerzas de Hamás tendrán que ser respetadas e integrarse en una fuerza independiente y plural palestina...

En estos momentos difíciles para el pueblo palestino especialmente en GAZA, no podemos más que expresar nuestra solidaridad con el pueblo palestino principalmente con todos los palestinos que se identifican o se organizan políticamente en torno a una fuerza necesaria e importante como es Hamas. Evidentemente Hamas no hace terrorismo. TERRORISTA ES EL SIONISMO ISRAELI, SUS COMPLICES Y EL ESTADO EN TORNO AL CUAL SE VERTEBRA.

A todo el mundo que simpatiza con la resistencia heroica del pueblo palestino conviene recordarles que no es el momento de hacer distingos ni maquiavelismos con los grupos palestinos. Todo el pueblo palestino en su conjunto es victima de la mayor y más sangrientas de las represiones terroristas, y si ahora está siendo desesperadamente asesinada la gente que pertenece a Hamas es porque sin Hamas el pueblo palestino estaría diezmado para resistir y superar esta tragedia. Más adelante diré porque es tan importante HAMAS no solo para los palestinos sino también para la civilización, para la democracia y para la PAZ.

El País de hoy nos sintetiza en su portada internacional con una frase que a cualquier persona decente, mínimamente observadora le tiene que poner los pelos de punta. Yo cuando la ví me dije: ¡¡Joder que horror!! Pero de alguna forma es la cruda realidad y más vale que nos movilicemos para que esta conspiración criminal sionista-israelí desesperada tan fríamente calculada pueda ser revertida mucho antes de que HAMAS (o sea una parte importante del pueblo palestino) sea aniquilado.

¿Cuál es esa conspiración criminal sionista-israelí desesperada? Conspiración porque son cómplices USA y los gobiernos de Merkel, Blair y ahora Sarkozy (que lo primero que hará cuando visite a Zapatero dentro de unos días será amenazarle para que mire para otro lado y no realice ninguna propuesta con respecto a la represión a Palestina por tíbia y “equidistante” que sea), y después del titular de El país nadie puede dudar que son cómplices. Jordania y Egipto son países satélites, corruptos y militarizados, que incluso han permitido cárceles secretas USA, a nadie puede extrañar que sean cómplices de la estrategia criminal sionista contra el pueblo palestino. Desesperada porque es imposible mantener un estado inventado ajeno absolutamente a todo el contexto cultural y político que le rodea, en la guerra fría pudieron mantenerse porque se necesitaba tener una especie de portaviones en una zona dominada por los rusos (que gracia porque ahora son las mafias neocon rusas, excomunistas, las que financian y están adueñándose de los mayores negocios israelíes)... Los problemas en Israel son económica (el cancer neocon, como en todas partes, está empobreciendo a gran parte de la población véase la entrevista con un joven periodista israelí que aporto) y políticamente crecientes (todos los políticos son prácticamente lo mismo, hay mucha corrupción, TODOS SON CRIMINALES y nadie sabe como hacer algo diferente que no sea exterminar a los palestinos más rebeldes). ¿Entonces adivinas cual es la estrategia que una rata miserable, un gris segundón y funcionario, como Olmert aporta a “líderes” como Bush, como Merkel, como Blair, y como Sarkozy que por supuesto está ansioso de agradecer los “servicios prestados”? Olmert quiere una Palestina satélite que se llegue al reconocimiento de su estado inventado, y se legalice con ello el racismo y la arbitrariedad que simboliza.

Solidaridad con HAMAS

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Lebanon: evil tree continues to give fruit - How a bomblet took a teen`s leg - and is slowly killing her father

Rasha Zayoun lost her left leg to a cluster bomb. Behind her sits her uncle.

Column by Yasmine Ryan Images by Hugh Chatfield

Letter from Lebanon: De Facto Landmines Continue to Maim

"Israel`s" evil tree continues to give fruit - How a bomblet took a teen`s leg - and is slowly killing her father

(BEIRUT – 4 April 2007) – Rasha Zayoun shyly brings out her drawings. The teenager likes to draw women’s clothing, mostly long flowing dresses and vibrant skirts. Since the 17 year old had her leg blown off by an Israeli cluster bomblet, however, many of her former activities have become far more difficult. Rasha spends most of her time confined to the house in Maarakeh. Each Sunday, says her mother Alia Salman, friends pass by to take her for a stroll around the southern Lebanese village in her wheelchair.

On 5 January, Rasha’s father bought back what seemed to him to be an innocent and curious object. The poor Shia family has no television to follow the news. Unaware of its potential for destruction, Mohammed Zayoun put the leftover from last year’s conflict with Israel into his sack along with the thyme that he had collected. His 4 year old daughter Aya Zayoun found it there and gave it to her big sister. In the explosion that followed, Rasha lost her left leg. Her mother and brother Qassem Zayoun were also struck by the shrapnel.

Around 1 million cluster bomblets remain scattered across Southern Lebanon. The Israeli justification for their use at the time was to cover a wide area to eliminate Hizbullah’s Katyusha attacks against Israel. The United Nations Mine Action Co-ordination Centre in Southern Lebanon (UN-MACC-SL) spokesperson is skeptical about the validity of such claims. ‘We weren’t expecting this,’ says Dalya Farran. ‘Most of the cluster bombs were dropped in the last three days.’

With a high dud rate – roughly 40% in Southern Lebanon according to Farran – remnants remain dangerous. Essentially, argues Kathleen Peratis from Human Rights Watch, ‘Duds become de facto landmines, capable of exploding much later when touched by a plough or a child.’ Handicap International states that 98 percent of cluster bomb victims are civilians.

Established in 2001, UN-MACC-SL coordinated landmine clearance following Israeli withdrawal from Southern Lebanon. Now, teams from around the world must return to areas that had already been cleared of landmines to eliminate cluster bombs ( click here to read about the New Zealand team).

UN-MACC-SL hopes to clear the bomblets from the highest priority areas – residential and agricultural – by the end of the year. Cluster bombs, however, have a tendency to linger long after the conflict is over. Dozens of people still die every year in Laos, to cite but one example, from bombs dropped by the United States during the Indochinese War. A total of 11,000 Laotians have been killed or maimed by these weapons – post-conflict. Since the Vietnam War ended in 1975, there have been an estimated 38,000 cluster bomb victims in Vietnam.

Researcher Dr. Franklin Lamb with a CBU-58/B cluster bomb. The Vietnam War-era weapon is well past its expiration date.

Ironically, some of the cluster bombs dropped by Israel on Southern Lebanon were manufactured in the U.S. during this era. A CBU-58/B cluster bomb lies on the grass amongst the samples collected by the Mine Action Group (MAG) at their base near Nabatieh. It would have dropped 650 BLU-63 submunitions onto Lebanese soil. Some probably exploded, others would have been scattered, waiting to be set off. Most likely by a civilian. Researcher Dr. Franklin Lamb points to a yellow label. ‘Warranty Terminates 2/74,’ it reads. This cluster bomb, used by Israel in August 2006, expired 32 years earlier. Expired weapons have a far higher dud rate.


Yasmine Ryan is a graduate of the University of Auckland, in Political Studies and French language. She is currently interning with a Lebanese newspaper in Beirut, as part of her Masters degree in International Journalism at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Aix-en-Provence.


Electronic Lebanon is a project of the Electronic Intifada, provides analysis, independent reporting and much more:

Samidoun collective, based in Beirut, provides analysis, on-the-ground reporting of the war and reconstruction, media reviews, maps and information on their relief project:

International Solidarity Movement Palestine:

International Solidarity Movement Lebanon:

Indymedia Beirut is part of the international network of independent media, media for the people, by the people:

HELEM is a queer collective based in Beirut that promotes LGBT human rights in Lebanon:

Lens On Lebanon is an international grassroots documentary initiative formed during the Israeli bombardment of 2006. The documentary material, photo narratives, and video diaries of daily life gathered here have been conceived, produced, and contributed by residents of Lebanon from all walks of life.

Stop the wall campaign is a grassroots initiative in Palestine that is working to expose and counter the Israeli apartheid system:

Acting Steering Committee, Palestinian Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) Campaign

Coalition against Israeli Apartheid is a Toronto-based network that is leading the BDS campaign against Israeli apartheid in Canada:

Academic boycott of Israel or

Friday, May 18, 2007

IMEMCサイトのThis weeks Palestineを日本語訳。他記事。









約50人のデモ参加者が11日金曜日、ワディ・ニスに集まった。ここでも壁に反対する非暴力運動が最近2、3ヶ月前から続けられている。この壁は伝えられ るところによるとエフラット入植地のセキュリティーのために建てられたもので、近くにあるパレスチナ人の村アム・サラムナの土地の70%を併合している。

この毎週の運動を「Stop The Bleeding of Bethlehem」として、ベツレヘム地区にある壁に抵抗する非暴力の運動を4月に立ち上げた。いくつかの非暴力行動がベツレヘムでは立ち上げられ、それ以来続いている。

サミール・ジャビールというオルガナイザーの1人によると、今週の抗議行動は2つのテーマがありスピーカーは3月12日以来、イスラム軍と呼ばれているイ スラムグループに拉致されたBBCジャーナリスト、アラン・ジョンストンの解放を呼びかけた。いつものように、礼拝者(金曜の礼拝を終えてデモに参加す る)は壁によって併合されている土地に立ち往生させられ、約30人のイスラエル兵によって監視されていた。


先週の5日土曜ベツレヘムのキャンペーンの一つとして、多くの非暴力の抗議参加者は西岸地区南部(ベツレヘム東部)のアル・ハス村(西岸地区側)とアル・ ヌマン村(入植地側)を隔てている違法な隔離壁の両方のサイドから行進を始めた。彼らは、上方にレーザーワイヤーが張られたフェンスのある場所で向かい合 い、二つの村を隔てている違法な壁に反対することを訴えた。

1967年、イスラエル政府はエルサレムにアル・ヌマン村の土地を併合したが、「エルサレム地区」として住む試用者の住民数が増えなかった。ゆえに、ア ル・ヌマン村の人々はエルサレムの地区行政に違法に分割線を引かイスラエル当局によって違法地域(管轄外)とされ、事実上家に閉じ込められていたといえる (イスラエルにはIDを発行されなかった)。村人はパレスチナ当局にはベツレヘムIDを付与された。

IMEMCサイトのThis weeks Palestineを日本語訳。他記事。

Japanese activists call for boycott of the Occupation's Philharmonic Orchestra!

Stop The U.S. Zionist War On Sudan/Darfur

スーダンに対するアメリカとシオニストの戦争を止めろ BYデビット・ロルド(マサチューセッツ・グリーンレインボウ)

アメリカは過去15年間スーダンに対して戦争を行ってきた。そして、それを私たちは止める必要がある。イラクと同じように、スーダンに対する戦争は石油と イスラエルのためだ。提案されているスーダン侵攻は嘘の理由に基づいている。ダルフールにおける大虐殺というスーダン政府に対する非難は嘘で、それは2、 3年前イラクが大量破壊兵器を所有しているというイラク政府に対する非難と同じ役割を果たしている。アメリカとその同盟者、イスラエルやイギリスこそが ジェノサイドの世界チャンピオンであり、大量破壊兵器の所持者である。


Filistin Film Günleri devam ediyor

Filistin Film Günleri devam ediyor... gönderen: Filistin Halkıyla Dayanışma De Tuesday, May. 15, 2007 at 2:11 AM 0212 251 88 97 Duduodaları sok. no:10/3 Balıkpazarı Beyoğlu İstanbul
FHDD tarafından düzenlenen Filistin film günlerinin gösterimleri 5 kültür merkezinde devam ediyor...

FHDD tarafından düzenlenen Filistin Film Günleri kapsamında; Geçemeyeceksiniz, Sözcükleri Aramak ve Cenin Cenin isimli filmler izleyiciyle buluşuyor...
Bugün Nazım Hikmet Kültür Merkezi ve Tohum Kültür Merkezi'nde saat 19.00'da gösterilecek olan filmler daha sonra Yapı sanat evi, Beksav ve Avcılar Halk Kültür Merkezi'nde izleyiciyle buluşacak....

Who we are?

Palestine is not only Palestine. And the stones that the child generals throw to the Zionists are not only stones. Palestine is a call; a call to the human, to the humanity. Each thrown stone is a hope for the ones who try to find a path for the future of humanity.

We, wanted to be the volunteer spokesmen and spokeswomen of this call. What brings us together is the power of the hope resisting in Palestine. For us, it is an internationalist duty and pride to give support to the Palestinian national cause. The legitimacy and righthess of this cause is accepted by the labouring humanity.

We know and we believe that, there are the warmest feelings in the hearts of our country's peoples, just like the peoples of the world. We know and we believe that, our peoples are cursing the brutality of the Zionist occupiers and the imperialist bandits which take place all around Middle East and the world. Our peoples had shown their protests against the Zionist genocide in Palestine and the occupation brutality in Iraq by going to the streets many times. They did not hesitate to give a helping hand to the Palestinian people. Our peoples showed that they want to take place in the ranks of brotherhood and unity against the imperialists, Zionists and their collaborators.

The aim of our initiative is, to develop this will for friendship and solidarity, to generalize this political sensitiveness, and embody it with genuine tools. The Zionist brutality is burning and demolishing Palestine, before the eyes of the whole world. The land of Palestine became a ruin. The Palestinians are imprisoned, wounded or ill. The Palestinians are unemployed, hungry and poor. Zionism wants to make Palestine and the Intıfada surrender by not only massacres but also by poverty, epidemic diseases and economical blocade.

We think that it is important to satisfy these needs even with small-scale supplies. We believe that our peoples will give material support for the satisfaction of the needs of the Palestinian people. We believe that our peoples will take place in such a mobilization of help and solidarity. The history had proven that the real friends of the peoples are only other peoples. We want to prove this fact again between our peoples.

Solidarity Association with the Palestinian People

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Big Farfur Tells the Truth To The Kids Who Cant be Fooled

Hiyam Noir

Does the Zionist - Walt Disney - Turn Around In His Cold Dark Grave Now?

"World Zionism today, constitutes the last racist ideology - still surviving in the Zionist's state of "Israel", it is the last outpost of "apartheid". Israel constitutes by its mere existence - a complete defiance to all international laws, rules and principles, and the open racism manifested in the Jewish State - is a violation of all ethics and morals known to Man kind.

The Zionists consider themselves to have the sovereign rights to oppress and vilify other people. - having had an enormous monopoly over the information services in the West.The Zionist have always manipulated their way to advantage - in promoting their version of the conquest of Palestine, and their wars against neighbouring Arab states, and the tales – the "history" of the Jewish people, especially concerning the WW2 - and the so-called "holocaust".

Zionist strategy in the media - are in the hands of the advocates of International Zionism and the promoters of Jewish racism - they have become one of the most efficient weapons in the Israeli armory- even more effective than the threat of the hundreds of nuclear warheads that Israel possesses – and promote - in the name of security.

Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism, and hatred against everything that is German - have been the main points of the defamation-campaigns - in Zionist-controlled medias against those who they considered to be the enemies ( critics ) - of Jews and Zionist nationalism.This fact together with the influential Jewish organizations working in all Western states - mapping off and spying on the anti-Zionist resistance and buying our politicians to the Zionist cause, constitutes the fundamentals of Zionist policies."

© 2007 Hiyam Noir

From Palestine Free Voice


Black U.S. leader denied entry to Canada

Black U.S. leader denied entry to Zionist Occupied Canada ZOC

The group Black Youth Taking Action, which had invited the Washington, D.C.-based lawyer to speak, suggested anti-black racism was behind his problem entering Canada.

"The idea that someone can pick and choose who can speak to the black community is ridiculous," group president Nkem Anizor told a news conference at which Shabazz had been scheduled to speak.

"Slavery is over. We're not on a plantation."

Critics accuse Shabazz of being a Jew-hating racist, but Anizor called him a brilliant lawyer and organizer who can offer guidance to badly disenfranchised black youth.

She blamed the Jewish lobby for preventing his entry into Canada, saying Jews wield disproportionate political clout.

"They don't have the highest population but they have the highest influence," Anizor said.

That kind of rhetoric alarmed Jewish groups, who urged that Shabazz, an admitted anti-Zionist, be kept out of the country.

"He's an unrepentant anti-Semite," said Bernie Farber, CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress.

DR. MALIK ZULU SHABAZZ - New Black Panther Party National Chairman

The New Black Youth Taking Action (BYTA) and
The Black Youth Coalition Against Violence (BYCAV) both of Toronto.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

GAZA: Global Anti Zionist Action

Confrontation as Hebrew University Arab Students Mark 'Nakba

Arab students chanted pan-Arab and anti-Israel
slogans, including the Palestinian Authority anthem
Biladi, "Palestine is Arab" and chants linking Beirut,
and Jenin. The Arab demonstrators also denigrated

as a "police state," and called for "national
unity" over the "Syrian Golan Heights," terrorist
prisoners in Israeli jails and what they called "the
right of return" for Arab refugees currently outside
. As police reinforced their presence, the Arab
demonstrators flashed the "V for Victory" hand gesture
and concluded with chants of "Here Palestine was lost
and here we will regain it.